
Sucker Punch

Even though it looked ridiculous, and got some awful reviews, and made no sense at all from the trailer... I still forked over my ten dollars to see the obviously overblown Sucker Punch. And.... (drum roll, lots and lots and lots of drum roll) I liked it. It was silly for sure, and everything Scott Glenn says is retarded (who btw looks like a cross between David Carradine, Keith Richards, and your average run-of-the-mill old Vampire), and it takes Slow-mo to the next level of retarded, and it's pretty much like watching the most expensive music video of all-time. But... it entertains. I was entertained even while laughing out loud often. The story is weird, and silly but not horrible, just simple. The action scenes play out ferociously like live anime, they're crazy, chaotic and seizure inducing if you don't blink, and if you do blink, just so there is no chance you'll miss anything Zack Snyder gives you constant slow-mo to let you relish in the insanity of it all. I particularly dug the shoot-em-up scenes in the trenches, and on the train. The main character is this kind of bland chic called Baby Doll. Baby Doll was alright, but the movie fucking belonged to Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea is played by Abbie Cornish and she was fucking awesome! Tough, intelligent, hot, really really fucking hot. Abbie Cornish actually gave a great performance, and her fight scenes ruled. I also really liked Jena Malone (Rocket), Oscar Isaac (Blue Jones), and Jon Hamm (Doctor/High Roller). Again, Sucker Punch is not great, but it's mindless fun. See it big, and see it for Abbie Cornish. 6/10


It's a Wednesday. Still in my boxers. Big day.


Odd Future

They've been on my radar for awhile but I finally started downloading the albums. Pretty tight.


Late Night Kisses

Girls, girls, girls... Mmmm... girls.