
midlife crisis #17

What is the purpose of being here, you know like... alive, breathing, walking, talking, sleeping... here on earth??? I have some theories but what about the obvious. Is the purpose of being here to just drink tequila in the same bars over and over, or is it to eat frozen pizza at three in the morning, or watch 17 episodes of Community in a row, or taking a bath (who wants to see that anyway?), or self-destruction, or using someone to cheer yourself up, or just wasting week after week after week, or bashing a pinata full of booze at a little kids birthday party, or falling in love only to end up more miserable, or telling yourself that everything is okay when it really isn't, or throwing the ball for your dog over and over and over and over and over and over and over?

I have a bunch of friends who are married, nearly married and/or have kids. I do not particularly want these things. I know that my friends probably pity me because I'm single, and depressed, and have no faith in relationships. And they probably pity me because I don't understand how getting married and having kids is just a part of life that we all have to join in cause, cause, cause, cause... we just do. But here's the thing, almost everyone I know is stressed out, exhausted, bored and in some cases just plain miserable. I'm not saying everyone, but a lot of them just want to sleep. They just want to turn the lights off and sleep. They don't have the energy to get crazy or the time to be spontaneous. Are they happier? More content in life? Possibly. Possibly not. Maybe they question the purpose of life just as much as I do, or maybe they pity me because they think they have it all figured out. But what exactly have they figured out??? I say that they have figured out nothing! Not a damn thing, and that they are just as confused as I am, and that all you can really do is drive a...

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